I’m very excited to be part of this intriguing event entitled “Photosynth: A symposium on self-powered media art,” which will be taking place at the University of Pécs in Pécs, Hungary! This cool-looking event is dedicated to sustainable energy practices in the larger field of electronic arts, and will include free workshops, talks, performances, and installation work. As part of this very cool event, I will be giving a talk on my work in the past 10 years using solar energy in my sound work, and specifically on the “solarsonics” project that involves battery-less, real-time use of solar energy to create sonic interventions. I will discuss my work in designing instruments, sound-making circuitry, coding, and installation work, as well as giving an overview of work by others who are also working in these areas.
Solarsonics in 2018 @ Photosynth: A symposium of self-powered media art in Pécs, Hungary
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